8 innovative ways to celebrate your birthday

celebrate your birthday at home

Usually it was a custom that whoever had birthday, he would feed the people particularly the saintly people, give donations, go to poor persons and help them, so entire day was passed in serving others. At present there is a culture that whoever has a birthday he only things about himself and wonder that and how many gifts I will get and so on. But apart from these boring ways of celebrating birthday, we are giving you 8 innovative ideas for celebrating your birthday. These are as following:

1. Go for a trip to mountains: As a replacement for of the usual drinks and dinner with your friends on your birthday, you can do something more enchanting such as going on a trek. You can also go for the some night treks which might just be the most excellent way to bring in your anniversary at 12:00 am.

2. Plan a Theme Party: Many people plan a birthday party but you can plan a theme party for your birthday party which will give and your guests more fun and excitement. You should give a theme to you birthday party such as superheroes, zombies and many others.

3. Skydiving: If you actually want to make your birthday unforgettable for years, then Skydiving is what you have got to do for certain. Many of you may be scared of it but believe this that it is the top feeling in this world that can by no means be expressed in words. It is just a feeling of bliss and is really wonderful also.

4. Reserve a dance lounge: Another most excellent way to celebrate any occasion and even a birthday is that dance as if no one is watching you. This idea is mainly for the party animal. This is going to be a real fun if you book a dance lounge and call your friends for your birthday celebration. 

5. Shopping: People who are busy in thinking for shopping but not capable to go, then this is the time when you have got the motive to go for shopping. So, on your this birthday you should definitely go out and shop all your desired things.

6. Games Club: Just imagine the idea of booking an indoor gaming club for your birthday celebration. For many people this idea seems not so much interesting but the person who loves games and sport will surely love this idea and think about it. Hence, you can reserve an indoor gaming place where you can call your friends, relatives and colleagues to celebrate your birthday while playing and enjoying games.

7. Arrange a Magic Show on Birthday Party: Organizing a magic show on your birthday is very thrilling, fun and exciting. You can call you friends and relatives and enjoy a magic show with them. If there is a birthday of your child then, organizing a magic show is the best idea to let your kid and his/her friends enjoy the birthday party.

8. Open Bus Road Trip: Till now, you may have celebrated your birthday at home, hotel or in an event hall. But it is actually very unique to go for an open bus road trip on your birthday. You can go on an open bus for a road trip birthday celebrations where you will be spending your evening and celebrating your birthday while travelling in the bus.

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  1. These are really great ways to celebrate a birthday. Last month, my friends arranged a birthday party for me by booking one of beautiful Chicago event venues. Hired a reputed DJ service who played lovely music for this event.
