Types of Travel Insurance Plans

travel insurance plans

We all know that travel insurance is very important as we have already discussed on our some previous articles. By purchasing the travel insurance plans you get the coverage against all the medical emergencies as well as all the critical situations related to travel. There is an assortment of options available to travelers from various general insurance companies. The plans are offered to the persons according to the destination they are travelling, type of buyer and the type of trip they are undertaking. Policyholders can also expand their plans for a specific period of time if their stay in the overseas is prolonged. So here we are giving you a list of various types of travel insurance plans.

- Family Travel Insurance Plan

This travel insurance plan many be taken for a single family which mainly includes the policyholder and his wife and two kids. Several family travel insurance plans gives floater advantages to the family members of an individual under one policy.

- Single Round Trip Insurance Plan

This plan can be purchased by the persons who want travel insurance for a single trip to a single destination. Furthermore, the time period of the insured one trip will vary depending on the insurance company which has been opt by the client.

- Student Travel Insurance Plan

Student Travel Insurance Plan offers the financial and medical help to the students who go to the foreign countries for carrying out their higher studies. Some students might face emergencies or other financial problems while staying in a new country. Then a travel insurance plan helps students to carry on their education without any hurdles. Students can take this insurance plan if they are planning to go for studies in abroad countries or already pursuing their studies in foreign countries.

- Corporate Travel Insurance Plan

This type of travel insurance plan can be availed by the companies from the corporate sector who plan to give insurance protection to their staff when they on a visit to a foreign country. This plan can also be customized as per the requirements of the company. All plans offer the travel-related and sufficient medical cover for insured and are available as multi-trip policies and single round trip.

- Group Travel Insurance

You can buy the Group Travel Insurance plan if there are 20 or more than 20 persons traveling to a same destination in a group. Many group insurance plans offer the cover for trip curtailments, cancellations, loss of documents or baggage delay or interruption of trips and various others. In this type of plan, each and every member of the group should be fully attentive of the advantages which are offered under the insurance plan.

- Annual Multi-Trip Insurance Plan

This plan offer travel insurance safety covering various international trips for a time period of one year. When a client select for a multi-trip policy then a certain number of trips for a particular duration of travel is insured by the plan with benefits like quality health care services, cashless hospitalization and quick resolution of claims. Furthermore, these plans are ideal for those who travel to foreign countries regularly.

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