8 Countries to Visit for Less Than $50 a Day

inexpensive countries

There are many people in the world who want to travel but they can’t because they don’t have much budget. Travelling to any other country seems to be very expensive and travelling day by day getting expensive. But despite this, you can fulfill your wish to travel another country by choosing the right destinations or country. So, FunAtTrip is going to give you a list of 10 countries in the world where you can visit for less than 50$ a day. The list is as following:

1. Indonesia

Indonesia is a very popular country all across the world for travelling and spending your holidays. This beautiful country has various beaches where you can visit. But don’t be get sad, here you can enjoy in your less budget also. You can stay here in a hostel for about 4$ per night and for food you can go for the street food where you will find some delicious cuisines. Moreover, restaurants here are not too much costly, so you should definitely plan to visit this country.

2. Turkey

Turkey is a country where eastern and western culture mix together and tourists visit here all throughout the year. There are beautiful landscapes and things to see in Turkey. Here, you can live in a hostel according to the price of per night and can have food at the price of only 2$. So you can spend you a day here easily in less than a 50$. In addition to this, the local transport like buses here are also cheap so that you can explore the country.

3. India

It is possible in India to survive less than 50$ a day. Many tourists visit here because it is inexpensive country and they belief that they will have more fun in India by spending less money. You can spend 10$ only for having food three times in a day. To stay you will find here hotels up to 5$ per night. Other than this, local taxis, auto rickshaw, buses are also available here so that you can explore the city at less price. In terms of shopping you can shop in the flea markets and can bargain also.

4. Peru

In South America, Peru is amongst the cheapest country. In Peru you can find hotels as well as food at less price and you can also stay in hostels here. The activities you do in this country are costly but then also you can spend you day here in less than a 50$. Machu Pichu is the most popular destination in Peru where you must visit and here intra city buses will cost you about 1$.

5. Romania

This Eastern European country has awesome places to discover. For food and accommodation you have to spend only about 20$ and then you can visit to the museums or parks which will costs you only about 5-10$.  This is a country in Europe where you can spend you day less than in 50$. Therefore, if you are planning to visit a European country and want to spend less dollars then Romania is the best country in Europe.

6. Thailand

We cannot complete this list without mentioning the Thailand. It is famous all over the world for its famous beaches, nightlife and lot more. There are many things to do in this country and the north side of Thailand is cheaper as compare to the places like Bangkok. In local restaurant you can have food for about 5$ and can stay into the hotels for about 6-10$ per night. Moreover, it is no doubt that Thailand had become the one the popular destination in the world for the budget travelers.

7. Cambodia

Same like its neighboring country, Cambodia also offers great cuisine, amazing nightlife as well as rich history. It is also cheaper than the Thailand because it is a less explored country. You can stay here in hostels for about 10$ per night and if you want stay in AC hotels than you have to spend about 15-20$. For local food, you have to spend about 2$ only and to explore the country also you will have to spend much dollars. That’s why; Cambodia has become the favorite country for many travelers.

8. Nicaragua

Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America but is less explored and hence, very cheap to travel in. Here, there are lot of things to do such as see wildlife, volcano trekking, surfing and many more. If you will eat in some local restaurant then it will costs around 5$ and you will also find cheap accommodation here. You can explore this place by travelling into the local bus and have fun also. 

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