8 Most Amazing Tree Tunnels in The World- By: Neeta Sharma

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Trees are amongst the most beautiful creations of nature and beauty is nature cannot be defined without trees. Sometimes these trees are maintained in such a nice manner, naturally or artificially that they form a beautiful tunnel. Therefore, here we are giving you a list of 8 most amazing tree tunnels in all over the World.

1. Wisteria Tunnel, Japan

Wisteria Tunnel, Japan

Wisteria Tunnel is a wonderful tree tunnel which is located in the Kawachi Fuji Garden, Kitakyushu in Japan. If you will once visit to this tunnel then I am sure you will visit there more and more. You can take a walk here with your partner and this tunnel is strolled between the beautiful white and purple flowers. Moreover, you should visit in this beautiful tunnel in late April during the “Wisteria Festival,”

2. Jacarandas Walk, Johannesburg

Jacarandas Walk, Johannesburg

Jacarandas Walk is situated in Johannesburg, South Africa and here purple flowers blossomed most in the month of October. The purple flowers are of jacaranda tree and blooms above the suburban streets. There are more than 49 species of jacaranda in Johannesburg. Besides, if you are traveling to South Africa then you must visit Jacarandas Walk and have an amazing experience. 

3. Tunnel of Love, Ukraine

Tunnel of Love, Ukraine

This is a perfect place for romance in Ukraine. Generally, it was just a train rail section but finally turned into the most romantic places in earth. If you are a romantic person then you will definitely love this tunnel. Furthermore, you must visit this tunnel of love if you want to propose your partner and give him/her a surprise.

4. Autumn Tree Tunnel, USA

Autumn Tree Tunnel, USA

This amazing Autumn Tree Tunnel is located in Vermont, Unites States of America. You can see this tunnel with best view in the season of autumn. In this season all the leaves turns into brown and orange color and fall down. We are sure that if when you will visit and see this tunnel you will surely lost yourself in the beauty of it.

5. Yew Tunnel, UK

Yew Tunnel, UK

Yew Tunnel is said to be planted in 18th century by the Dyer family in UK. The branches of trees here are extended and form an arch; hence form a beautiful tunnel. Here it is not possible to count the number of trees and continues to grow to form a dense tunnel.

6. The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, The Dark Hedges is one of the most popular tourist attractions. It is amongst the most photographed natural phenomena in this place. It looks like a mysterious tunnel and is popular for being painted by a hundreds of visiting artists. Additionally, it is so stunning that visitors feel like getting lost in its beauty and darkness.

7. Cherry Blossom Tunnel, Germany

Cherry Blossom Tunnel, Germany

Cherry Blossom Tunnel situated in the Bonn city in Germany. This street tunnel is counted amongst the most peaceful streets in the world. In the spring season here calming pink flowers blossoms and last for 7-15 days depending on the weather conditions.

8. Rua Goncalo de Carvalho, Brazil

Rua Goncalo de Carvalho, Brazil

Rua Goncalo de Carvalho is the famous green tunnel in Brazil. This tunnel consists of more than 100 Tipuana and Rosewood trees which begin from Porto Alegre. This tunnel has become part of culture and history of Brazil because these trees give an enormous amount of pollution balance in the cities of Brazil.

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