A trip to Paradise French Polynesia, by Marcelo Haunui Prandi

french polynesia, beach


What is Paradise? For some that image comes to mind when seeing the mountains, others believe to be in Eden with just feel the sea breeze and listen to the waves of the sea. But I think the great majority of us discovered Paradise by becoming PADRES.

I feel identified within this group of beings touched by the Grace of God, that when we receive our children in this wonderful earthly world, we feel we have KNOWN PARADISE; and as the great Serrat says in his wonderful song. Those crazy little ones, children often resemble us, and often they are interested in the same things that we care about. And ... a few times "fall in love" with the same things that we fell in love with. Then we are doubly happy, enjoying fully by sharing with our own blood what we are passionate about. Tahitian, gave me the blessing of being among that privileged group of people to whom this happens to them, since my children inherited my immense love and passion for the ocean and for the French Polynesia.
I thank God, who offered me one of those things that are seldom given.

For more than 30 years I fell in love, because when I first stepped on Tahitian soil, it was "love at first sight". I fell under the charms of that millenary culture that permeates the 118 islands that make up French Polynesia. I was drunk with its aromas, sensual dances, the majesty and exuberance of its generous nature and above all things, which made this place choose me, it was its people "TE NUNA'A" in Tahitian, where the legendary tradition Hospitality that the Polynesians offer to the visitor makes one want to return again and again.

From your welcome greeting "IA ORA NA", equivalent to our "good morning" and which literally means "life for you" to your farewell greeting «PARAHI! "which means literally sit down, and expresses the wish that we do not leave …

 My love for the ocean:

The love for the ocean that I had since I was a child, was filled with knowledge of these islands of the South Seas that make up the 5 Archipelagos of the Polynésie française (Society Islands, Tuamotu, Marquesas, Australes and Gambier) Islands Which with just a little more than 4000 km2 of surface, cover more than 4,000,000 km of water!

POLYNESIA in Greek means many islands, islands that inspired famous writers such as Paul-Emile Victor (1907-1995), Herman Melville (1819-1891), Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) and James Norman Hall (1887, 1951) to name a few.

Being the most famous in the Julien Islands Viaud, known as Pierre Loti (1850-1923) whose most famous work, Le Mariage de Loti (The Marriage of Loti) which develops its history in the islands of Polynesia and actually read this novel it will introduce you to the wonderful MA'OHI (Tahitian) culture.
Beneath the charms of these islands fell from famous painters like the great impressionist Paul Émil GAUGUIN, to singers of the stature of the famous Jacques BREL, author of the beautiful and desperate, Ne me quitte pas (do not abandon me)

These two great artists as well as being bewitched by Polynesia, their people and their culture, lived and died in Hiva Oa (Marquesas Islands). Today this wonderful island is a pilgrimage point, since their bodies rest side by side in the Cemetery of Atuona, Capital of Hiva Oa.

There were also Hollywood celebrities who put aside the frivolity of the movie world by falling hopelessly in love with these islands. The most famous was the great Marlon BRANDO (1924-2004) who in the early 1960s came to Tahiti to film Motin a Bordo. There he meets Tarita Teri'ipaia, with whom he will star in the film. From that moment the great star would fall at the feet of this beautiful Tahitian girl born in Bora Bora with whom she would have her Tahitian children, adopting until the moment of her death the culture and simple way of life of the Tahitians, and to say of the mythical oceanographer Jacques COUSTEAU, that for his investigations on the oceans of the world and his fauna chose the waters of the Tuamotu Islands to study TE MAU MA'O, the sharks in Tahitian. Embarked with his son Philippe and the crew of the legendary CALYPSO will carry out his investigations there on the behavior of the squalids.

These videos are part of the legacy of documentaries most viewed by divers from around the world. For TE MAU MA'O polynesians are sacred animals, since they believe that these are the protective spirits of their ancestors and that they also protect them and all the activities that they develop in the sea.

*Guest Blog post by Marcelo Haunui Prandi

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