About Puerto Escondido, Zipolite Mazunte and The Riviera Oaxaqueña by Victor Pastrana

According to those who came first to this Puerto Escondido port, there was already a narrow road that communicated with Salina Cruz, angel port, until arriving at Acapulco. In those days, Puerto Escondido or hidden as they called it. Was one of the most important ports, of the coffee plantation of the pluma region transported the coffee in mules to the hidden one and from there they embarked it in a small Mexican merchant. Later the ships of the United States began to arrive and that is how the shipment of this aromatic product abroad was regularized.

Puerto Escondido

According to a fantastic legend:

The fierce pirate Andrés Drake, brother of the famous captain Francis Drake, once anchored his sailboat in a place of calm waters near a small bay completely uninhabited, near the mouth of the Colotepec River.

A few weeks before, they had kidnapped a beautiful young Mixtec girl in the town of Santa María Huatulco, and they had her prisoner under strict supervision. In an oversight of her captors, the girl managed to escape from Captain Drake's stateroom where she was held and Was a very good swimmer, threw herself into the sea without hesitation, quickly managing to reach the beach to run after and hide in the nearby forest jungles where the pirates could never find it.

Later referring to the beautiful young Mixtec, the pirates instead of calling her Josefa was his name, they mentioned it as "the hidden" and every time he returned to the river Colotepec ordered to be sought, but for more efforts they did, never found it so that to that calm bay they began to mention like "bay the hidden one", same that later was transformed and to the date is Puerto Escondido.

Located on the Mexican Pacific coast and near Huatulco, Puerto Escondido is ready to welcome you and show you why it is a world-renowned tourist place. It is ideal for those seeking the excitement of the sea, surfing, parachuting and diving. A picturesque, warm and charming destination; because its emerald waters are also ideal for the novice surfing or the expert, which places it as the third place in the world in waves for the practice of this sport.

In 1970 a total eclipse of the sun occurred, which would be seen in all its magnitude in an area near Miahuatlán and Oaxaca, hundreds of people, scientists, journalists, ordinary people crowded in this place to see the astronomical event of the decade.

It was the era of rock and roll and under the motto of "love and peace" the young people of those times at the end of the eclipse learned that to the south was paradise, a virgin beach, very large, without any constructions. They arrived at Zipolite and in fact they found what they had told them, marveling they would go to swim and to sunbathe, without clothes inaugurating thus the first Mexican nudist beach; Were the so-called "hippies".

Zipolite Mazunte

Freedom, beauty, intimacy, respect and nature, characteristics of Zipolite that attract thousands of people year after year. And invites us to know a culture where the human body is a temple to see its beauty with a lot of respect where the morbid disappears, complexes are erased from our minds from there depart different ways to see the world in their colors and maximum body expression, Zipolite paradise to the natural.

Today it is visited by backpackers from around the world. Old hippies, younger adventurers and locals live in harmony. The sounds of The Doors, Bob Marley, Santana, Led Zeppelin and others can still be heard from some of the restaurants. While at the beach, at night in front of the bonfires, the bongos are heard and the chuvis are passed until at dawn.

It is one of many coastal towns along the Pacific coast in the southern state of Oaxaca. The strip between Puerto Escondido and Huatulco is known as the Riviera of Oaxaca.

Zipolite main beach with rough seas and red flag, Oaxaca Riviera, Mexico
The Riviera Oaxaqueña


Comes from the Nahuatl word that means "I ask you please to spawn", other stories say that here in this beach abounds crab of the same name, it can be said that it was part of the basic diet of the population and that given so much production I called the place Mazunte in the 1930s.

Mazunte Turtle

Here you will find the Mexican Turtle Center, which has a Living Turtle Museum, as well as an almost virgin beach, where you can observe the spawning of the marine chelonians and swim with them.
You can go to the area of ​​the Aquarium, here sea turtles are exhibited, sweet - aquaculture and terrestrial; Are also the pools of observation of young and adult turtles; Breeding ponds; Areas of natural incubation; Closed incubation halls and even a cactus garden.

 *Guest Blog post by Victor Pastrana 

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