An article about Oaxaca and Huatulco, Mexico by Victor Pastrana


Oaxaca de Juárez (from the Huáxyacac ​​Nahuatl, "at the tip of the huaje") is a Mexican city, World Heritage Site according to UNESCO, capital of the state of Oaxaca, as well as head of the homonymous municipality. Located in the Central Valleys, 550 km by road from Mexico City, it is the largest and most populated town in the state and its economic and cultural center.

Oaxaca, mexico

It was founded by a detachment of Aztec warriors, sent by the eighth Tlatoani, Emperor Ahuizotl, about 1486. ​​In 1532, by royal decree, he received from King Charles I of Spain the title of "Very noble and loyal city", calling himself First Antequera, name that in 1821 was replaced by the one of Oaxaca. Any time is good to visit Oaxaca. In March, for example, he wears jacaranda, emphasizing the greenness of his characteristic quarry. All the historical periods of Mexico: prehispanic, colonial, independent, modern and contemporary are expressed with natural elegance in spaces, buildings, streets, fantastic museums, magic festivals, colorful crafts, pre-Columbian ruins and baroque churches with gold inlays and in each Corner of Oaxaca, which UNESCO called World Heritage.

Ecotourism, fluorescent lagoons, lush mountains, archaeological sites, colonial treasures, culture, crafts, gastronomy, folklore, parties ... all that and more awaits you in Oaxaca, the 3rd best city in Central and South America according to Travel and Leisure magazine.

outside, grass, plant Description generated with very high confidence The 8 regions of Oaxaca; Recognized for being one of the states in the world with greater cultural and linguistic diversity, where more than 16 cultural groups with totally different traditions and customs coexist, that is why it is divided into 8 regions: Cañada, Costa, Isthmus, Mixteca , The Papaloapan Basin, the Sierra Sur, the Sierra Norte and the Central Valleys.


To talk about the history of Huatulco is to talk about pirates, characters, ancient civilizations that inhabited the port at some important moment for the country. The story that every grain of sand can tell is as rich as the extent of the sea that surrounds it. Huatulco is made up of 9 beautiful bays, which in turn are made up of 36 beaches belonging to the Pacific Ocean. Due to its location, it was a successful commercial port in the 16th century; Whose riches attracted pirates, such as Sir Francis Drake and Sir Thomas Cavendish. This is how a part of the history of the warm and golden sands of Huatulco begins to be written.

Huatulco town

Another event that transcends in this region is the treason, surrender and execution of the revolutionary insurgent Vicente Guerrero, in the hands of the Mexican brothers Picalúga, in January of 1832, when the War of Independence had already concluded. Today, the exact site in which this event occurred is known as La Entrega Beach.

The chronology obliges us to go further back in time and to speak of the first inhabitants of the region. These belonged to the Señorío de Tututepec, that in Nahuatl means: Hill of the birds. Tututepec was a Mixtecan Region that, unlike most Mesoamerican civilizations, was never submitted by the Mexicas. As part of its archaeological treasures, it preserves remnants of the Zoque culture: ceremonial structures, pyramidal foundations and a ball game over 2,500 years old, which are part of the archaeological site of Copalita,

Located in the state of Oaxaca, its beaches immersed in the site RAMSAR 1321 "Watersheds and Corals of the Coastal Zone of Huatulco" and decreed "Reserve of the Biosphere of Huatulco" by UNESCO is, since 2005, the only Sustainable tourism community certified by Earthcheck in the American continent and first in the world to achieve gold quality We want you to know the places, the characters, the culture, the nature and the history that attribute to this beautiful place its particular characteristics. If you want to rest, to travel, to have fun, to enjoy, to know, to feel, to breathe, to LIVE, to visit Huatulco: the best destination.

*Guest Blog post by Victor Pastrana 

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