Know about wonderful nation Brazil by Fabrício Reis

wonderful nation Brazil

Brazil is a tropical land of samba, carnival and soccer that are national passions with highlight to the King of Soccer that everyone calls Pele, who was elected athlete of the 20th century. 

Currently the country has modernized to the point where its cities are getting Cosmopolitan idem its inhabitants are seeking more and more international destinations the tourism sector is something that places the country among the most attracting flow of tourism in South America. 

To the North: The Amazon majestic land full of mineral deposits and biological wealth taking the Religious tourism concentrated in the city of Belém do Pará.

Belém do Pará brazil
Belém do Pará
In the Northeast: Cities that see themselves and attract more and more tourists because their beaches are without doubt the Brazilian Caribbean, even international stars are periodically sighted enjoying the natural beauties.

beaches in brazil

Center – South: It is the richest region of the country within the two main Brazilian axes the centralized political center in the city of Brasília and economic axis between megalopolis cities Rio de Janeiro and the city where they form the main urban center of the country. Where the big sporting events take place, as well as in art and culture and where the main universities and Brazilian Institutes are located. And by maladies are also high concentration of income in the hand of the few who hold more of the metada than that produced in the country. Thus leaving only the poor the immense pockets of misery and Latin American underworld of South America almost always dominated by mafiosos and social ills. 

Related post: Yoga link between Brazil and India by Fabrício Reis

Another point importers is famous Amazon land is undoubtedly the attractive tourism potential to be explored, its amplitude comes to influence the climate throughout South America and Central Biological richness and mineral deposits that attracts glances and greed from rich countries that try to internationalize the Amazon region Because there are those who affirm that the cure of various ills in Brazil is still being discovered here in the Amazon. 

amazon brazil
Amazon Rainforest
My heart is of the forest of South America my look is balanced with the scarcity of resource that Brazil invests here that of questionable intervention promoted here to be a national western and a land without law. Awaiting the dream of prosperity that is centralized in the political and economic axis of Brazil. So to visit Brazil you need to speak English and basic notions of Portuguese and also a little creativity not to be trapaciado by the Brazilians because you are prosperous lands where ethics and morality are not always used almost always subtracted. 

The simpler people are almost always marginalized and deprived of their citizenship and social advancement. The hope is once again in the Brazilian youth, since in the last years it has expressed itself in favor of improvement in the public services so that they are of more quality and accessible to all. 

In the famous Brazilian telenovelas gives to have a notion of how the art imitates the life and the life the art. In the XXI century Brazil has reinvented itself by showing the world a Brazil that is open to the new. The country is structuring ports, Railroad, Highways, Hodrovias etc .

Some sectors are growing rapidly generating employment and production as in agribusiness, education and the petrochemical industry besides Tourism and entertainment and culture and art. 

culture dance in brazil

Fabrício Reis writer brazil Guest Blog Post By: Fabrício Reis
 Veterinarian and tour guide

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