All about Famous Place Guatemagica in Guatemala: By Francisco Grazioso


Located in the south west of Guatemala, 4 hours driving from Guatemala City we have Guatemágica. It’s a group of Thematic Parks such As Xetulul, Xocomil, Dino Park, Shulic, and Takalik Abaj.



This thematic park in the year 2007 won the prize as the best thematic park worldwide. It is a thematic park of sliders and water. The name Xocomil comes from the tides that are made on the lake Atitlan after 3’o clock pm everyday. There are lots of sliders single sliders, double sliders, snake side that has about 6 sliders  and is guarantee fun for all the family. There is a wave pool also which is the first water roller coaster in Central America. This thematic park has fun for all ages, the newest slider is the capsule, has a quiet river that pass around the whole park, in that you can ride in a tube and take the tour on this quiet river. In the middle there is a replica of a Mayan construction where is a restaurant that sells hamburgers, chicken, French fries, sodas, and beer. The beer is limited for 2 per person because its a familiar park. In this park there are small shops where you can buy sodas, ice creams, and nachos. Inside the park if you forget something you can buy shirts, sun blocks and all the supplies that you will need for your fun on this park. On this part of Guatemala the summer time has the average temperature that goes among 20 to 35 degrees Celsius whole year. This thematic park has the only one water roller coaster in Central America and different kind of sliders for whole family too. Days of operations of this park are Thursday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm.



This thematic park has the replica of some countries of the world such as Guatemala, Germany, Spain, Italy and also the old Mayan world.  Xetulul is a word of Mayan language and means down the zapote tree. This thematic park is unique in central America, has different roller coasters for elder people and young people. There are also different representations of parts of the world such as Fontana di Trevi in Rome, The Big Palace in Florence, Tikal in Guatemala, and the representation of a French theater. You can also see here small towns of Germany and Spain. The Italian part has aN incredible Italian food. You can also see beautiful buildings here, each spot has his own fun place such the Spanish spot has el galleon, Italian place la gondola salpicona, german place the roller coaster and strugensen. Around the park you can take a ride of small train that take you by whole park and you can enjoy of this beautiful park located aside Xocomil.



Open for public in 2007, Dinopark is the biggest animatronic park in Central America with many dinosaurs like Animatronics, because a machine gives them life. You can see all prehistoric animals on this beautiful park located very close to Xetulul and Xocomil. There are many animals of the prehistoric time. The owner wants to did something such as Jurasic Park movie and this place is something that really worth be seen all in one place Dinopark Rethaluleu Guatemala.




This place is well known for the collection of racetracks of small cars bigger in the Central America Area. There is the real car of Men in Black, Batman Forever, and other Characters of the Hollywood movies, pictures of Nirvana, Bob Marley, The Beatles. There is a Chopper in the middle which brings a fresh air to whole place where you can enjoy of this place too in Guatemágica.



This is a Mayan spot and used to be Olmec place but after it became a Mayan place of the pre classic time. Around this place we have the Volcanoes chain, the Mayans thought that this volcanoes was the back of Alligator and when there was earthquakes the Mayans thought that the Alligator was mad. There the Mayans leave a stone so that one can stand there and see the milky ways such as they use to see. This place also has a small zoo where you can also see the Mayan pyramids that are different of what Tikal has. The Mayans believes that inmortality was on the sea and this place is very close to the sea, about 30 minutes driving from this place.

Close to this place there is a Takalik Lodge, where you can rest and also walk through a path that goes down the mountain. There you can see an amazing waterfall and you can also enjoy Chaya refreshment, very beautiful place to stay.


We recommend this beautiful and ecologic hotel, with comfortable rates. This Hotel also has a coffee plantation place where you can rest with whole family. There are no TV sets on the rooms of this Hotel because it’s like is an ecologic hotel to enjoy the environment and the view of Santiaguito Volcano eruption.


Located in the Guatemagica area, this hotel has Bungalows that have capacity of 6-8 people. This is an amazing hotel that has pool and service of restaurant is 24 hours. The bungalows are decorated beautifully and if you have groups and you need it this hotel then you can take service of helicopter. If it’s a group of persons of 50 or more you can ride and fly over Guatemágica for half hour at price of 65 USD per person.


This is an old farm, you can visit this place and you will be guided by his owner. You can see the coffee plantation and learn about the coffee production process. The tourists are guided in three languages, Spanish, English and French and hours of business is from 8 to 4 pm. This coffee is lowland coffee and has an amazing taste also. So you must try coffee that is harvested on this farm.

 francisco guatemala

By: Francisco Grazioso

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